NexaGen Analysis

Welcome to our main product — NexaGen Analysis. Let us tell you about it!

You will get info about the contracts that were sniped the most by using that bot. Start a bot and you will get updates constantly.

There's a small guide or "Hot to use it"

  1. Go to our bot through the Telegram channel:

  2. Select NexaGen Analysis bot

  3. Click "Start" button

  4. Boom! You're perfect!

Let's say there are a lot of snipes at the moment and you want to receive information about it so the OnChain Analysis bot by NexaGen Hub is made for you!

It's evidence and simple. Information equals money and that's a law of life.

If you're a fast hand with a brilliant mind OnChain Analysis is made for you. Take a Snipe-Bot's information, do a fast trade — and here is your profit!

Last updated